Posts Categorized: Apps

Creative Ways to Liven Up Airport Stopovers

Most of us hate it when we realise that our flight involves a stopover in an airport. The thought of sitting around in a loud, busy airport for hours before getting on the connecting flight can be enough to deflate even the keenest traveller. Yet, there are some creative ways of making the most of… Read more

Get VIP Access at the Hottest Nightclubs with Discotech

Finding the hottest clubs when visiting a new city isn’t always an easy task. But with this free clubbing app, you can get access to VIP table service and free guestlist at all of the most popular clubs in cities across the country.   Have you ever tried to get into the the hottest nightclub in… Read more

What Does “Antivirus” Really Mean?

You have probably already heard about anti-virus apps for your phone, but you may not be sure exactly what the app can do to help defend your mobile device. In fact, many people aren’t fully aware of the threats that can potentially be lurking in unsafe internet connections, or piggybacking malware apps. Here are the… Read more