The world just got smaller and with fewer obstacles to overcome, people care travel freely and broaden their horizon without breaking the bank. The Fun and Inexpensive Way to See the World Daily challenges and ongoing projects have the nasty side effect of distracting people from what truly matters in life. A wise man once… Read more
There is nothing like traveling the world and it is most likely on everyone’s bucket list. But there are actually some travel spots that are ideal to visit when you are in your 20s. A lot of these spots cater to a younger generation because they have a crazy nightlife and strenuous activities. And they… Read more
How to Say Merry Christmas Around the World It’s that time of year again and we all know how Christmas is celebrated in the United States but what about Christmas around the world? Nearly all developed countries celebrate some form of Christmas, whether they are a secular society or based in the Christian faith. Here… Read more
Among the most beautiful and desirable destinations in the world seems to follow an equal and most times overlapping list of places to avoid. Whether the language barrier and culture is overwhelming for visitors many exotic vacation spots bring with them cause to worry. From high prices to overbearing crowds, this possible “tourist trap” while… Read more