Välkommen! Hello! A few miserably long plane ride…and a few days of recovery, I am now in Sweden! I’m already freezing my butt off in my little apartment. I’m so glad that everyone in Gothenburg seems to speak English, and really well too, you would hardly even know these people didn’t speak English as their first language. Praise the lord! I’m trying really hard to pick up on words and phrases, but I haven’t encountered any problems yet!
My roommate here, Chantelle, is another American student, she tried eating moose yesterday and I find it absolutely disgusting. She said it was pretty dense, and would taste good in some sort of moose stew (barf). So far I’ve tried glögg, which is a really delicious spiced wine and eaten lots of lingonberry-flavored things, it reminds me of ikea kind of, just kidding—sort of.
Today I had class from 13.00-16.00 about post-modernist literature, and it went really well! I’m actually excited about writing my papers and this program. Tomorrow I plan on going to Nordstan, which is a Gothenburg Shopping Mall—an indoor one at that, thank goodness, I’m always cold. 180 shops tomorrow, I can’t wait. There are actually trams that you can use to get around this place, which is good because I’m not driving over here. Give me all the kronors! Now I’m going to go eat some almond cake, so good!