Many people dream of visiting Africa, but not so many make it a reality. With so many countries to choose from — 54 in all — how to work out which is best for an incredible African holiday? The choice will naturally come down to what visitors wish to see and do while on holiday… Read more
The world just got smaller and with fewer obstacles to overcome, people care travel freely and broaden their horizon without breaking the bank. The Fun and Inexpensive Way to See the World Daily challenges and ongoing projects have the nasty side effect of distracting people from what truly matters in life. A wise man once… Read more
When you plan your wedding you can build it up to almost sacred proportions. However, there is nothing wrong with hoping that your honeymoon is even better. We pulled together a list of 10 must-visit honeymoon hotspots from around the world. Make sure to book a reservation for after your Big Day in order to… Read more
Cape Verde is a gem, off the coast of Africa, this 10-island archipelago is considered to be the most Westernized and wealthy place in the African continent. So why does this paradise of fresh sugar cane, hiking adventures, nightlife and sandy beaches get no credit? Perhaps it’s because of the locals who vacationed to this… Read more