Posts Categorized: Andrew Advice

Young couple in love outdoor

How To Have A Romantic Trip

Planning a romantic trip with your significant other is often challenging, but it does not have to be. There are a number of secrets to having a romantic journey and most of them go completely ignored by even the most well-meaning couples. First, take care of your budget and check out coupons for to… Read more

motorhome roadtrips

The Unexpected Necessities of a Road Trip

If you’ve never taken a road trip, I pity you. There’s nothing quite like being free to roam around the US in your car, cycle, or motorhome rental. While the movies romanticize it big time, there can be a few not-so-glamorous aspects to being on the road, like running out of gas, forgetting your phone charger… Read more

Venice Beach, United States

Mostly Unknown Facts About LA

The city of Los Angeles is full of secrets. Because it has often featured on television and in movies, and because there have been so many books written about it, it’s tempting to think that one knows it inside out, but even long-term residents will admit that there’s always something new to discover. Here’s a… Read more

gourmet garden

Designing the Perfect Gourmet Garden

Nothing beats the pleasure of eating outdoors.  There’s something about fresh air that sharpens the taste buds and heightens the senses.  When the weather is good in the summer months, we should do it more often – but we need to get the garden set up just right first. So how do we go about… Read more