October 6th is a date that will go down in McDonald’s history. The fast food chain started to serve breakfast ALL DAY on October 6th and customers should be very pleased.

Courtesy of fortune.com
McDonald’s said that the number one request they receive from customers is to serve breakfast all day. If you don’t know, McDonald’s used to only serve breakfast until 10:30am. Now they have started to offer some items from their breakfast menu all the time. If it turns out to be successful, McDonald’s said they would add more of their breakfast items to the all day menu.
Right now, customers can order biscuit sandwiches, hotcakes platters, sausage burritos, hash browns, oatmeal and fruit and yogurt parfaits. The McGriddle, for example, is not included on the all day menu. This has upset some customers, but maybe the restaurant will add it to their menu if this turns out to be successful.
A lot of other fast food restaurants serve breakfast all day like Jack in a Box. McDonald’s hasn’t been doing well lately so this is a smart attempt to gain back some business.
I have heard a lot of mixed reviews on this. A lot of people are upset because the full menu isn’t offered, but a lot of people seem to be happy that a lot of their favorites are on the menu. It should boost sales and it will also probably boost obesity.
It is a little sad that so many people are excited about this, but it obviously was a smart move on McDonald’s part. What do you think about all day breakfast at McDonald’s?