If you are looking for some creepy places to get in the spirit of Halloween, then head to the state of Michigan. The state has some beautiful scenery, but it is also known to have some creepy urban legends too.

Courtesy of thelandmarkinn.com
One of the most popular haunted places in Michigan happens to be The Landmark Inn. It is said that famous female pilot Amelia Earhart stayed at this hotel right before she ventured out on her last flight, which led to her death. Earhart’s ghost supposedly haunts room 502. Many guests have reported odd noises coming from underneath the bed along with weird flickering lights.
We all know about the Bermuda Triangle, but have you heard of the Michigan Triangle? The Michigan Triangle stretches across Lake Michigan and is known to have some very unexplainable mysteries and very similar to the Bermuda Triangle. Numerous tales of ghost ships, UFO sightings and mysterious disappearances all have occurred in this area.

Courtesy of goatmansbridge.com
The Denton Road Bridge in Belleville not only looks spooky, but is also known to be haunted. A woman lost her child on the bridge during a car crash and it is said that her ghost still haunts the bridge. Many bystanders believe the woman’s ghost is still there and many have reported hearing the baby cry.
The Paulding Light lights up on Highway 45 near the town of Paulding. Many people say the light is that of a railroad worker that died while trying to switch a track. Others say it could be the ghost of a Native American dancing on power lines. Either way, most think the light is that of a ghost.