Where to Buy Pipe Tobacco

Pipe tobacco is a popular recreational activity, making it easy to find. However, you want to make sure you are purchasing your pipe tobacco and accessories from a reputable place. This means buying high quality tobacco and pipes. Buying Online Online is going to be the best place for you to find the widest variety… Read more

The History of Pipe Tobacco

Do you know the story behind pipe tobacco? Take a journey down memory lane with a brief overview of where pipe tobacco stems from and how it has evolved over the years. Pipe tobacco first dates back to 2000 B.C. in Egypt. How do we know this? Tobacco and devices that were similar to pipes… Read more

Tips for Traveling with Tobacco

Hitting the road or the friendly skies this summer? It is the most popular time to travel. So, when heading out on vacation and bringing your tobacco along, make sure you are aware of these tips for an easy trip without hassles! Flying with Tobacco Yes, you can fly with tobacco in your carry on… Read more

Choosing the Best Tobacco Flavor For Your Taste

We all have our own taste. This can make it challenging finding the perfect tobacco flavor for you, especially if you are new to smoking tobacco. You can always ask for recommendations, but it is best to do research first and find out what your options are. First, choose if you want a tobacco with… Read more