Every year in July, a large group of people in Pamplona, Spain takes part in the ever so popular Running of the Bulls. This is something I have always wanted to attend. Not to participate in, but to go and watch.

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This is the most popular running of the bulls’ events in Spain. It has been broadcasted live on Spain television for over 30 years. The Bull Run Pamplona takes places every July 6th to July 14th. The first run is held on July 7th and then there is a run every morning after that until the 14th.
Of course there are mock bull runs across the world, but this one is the real deal. There are many mock runs in the United States and there are even other bull runs in Spain, but nothing compares to this one. Every year, around 200-300 people get injured from running with the bulls in Pamplona. The participants run from 6 bulls and 6 steers (which are castrated bull) along with three additional steers that are let out of the corral 2 minutes later. So that means there is a total of 15 bull that the runners are escaping from. The run goes for 903 years and it usually takes about 4-5. Of course it can take longer if there is something that happens, you never know.
Most of the participants wear traditional clothes. The outfit is made up of a white shirt and trousers with a red waistband and neckerchief. The run takes places through the streets of old town Pamplona. Fences are set-up around the town so that bystanders can watch. This is the group of people I want to be with. It really is an event and a lot of people gather the streets to watch and cheer on the runners.