The sixth annual Arizona Taco Festival took place this weekend at Talking Stick Fields in Scottsdale and guests were exposed to over 50 different taco vendors. Every year this even just keeps getting bigger and after this weekend’s huge turnout, you will be sure to see a 7th annual Arizona Taco Festival.

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The festival was complete with live music, plenty of contests, endless amounts of booze and a Chihuahua Beauty Pageant. Special tickets were available for the Boutique Tequila Expo, which showcased a number of different tequilas.
There were so many people at the festival on Saturday that it did take a long time to get into the event and a long time to get tacos. But there were so many different vendors that some lines were shorter than others. There were also vendors selling clothing and other products.
To wash down those tacos, guests could purchase water, beer, margaritas, lemonade, iced tea and more. It was pretty neat the way they had it setup. Each taco was $2, but instead of having to have cash or whip out your credit card at every stand, you bought tokens. Each token was worth $2 and the whole festival was based on this system.

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El Jefe had a pretty busy party tent. They had a DJ, dancers and a lot of alcohol. The lines were long and the tent was full of people dancing and eating tacos. If you were looking for other entertainment, the center stage at the event had live music and contests like a pepper eating contest. On Sunday, they held the Chihuahua Beauty Pageant. No taco festival would be complete without Luche Libre wrestling and that attracted a lot of viewers.
If they could somehow figure out a way to prevent the lines from getting so long in the future, this would be a really cool event. The location is great and the number of vendors was impressive. But there were just too many people trying to get in at once and too many people in line at the vendors. But all in all, the Arizona Taco Festival was a success!