Peru offers everything from beautiful weather to breathtaking scenery to delicious Peruvian cuisine. That might be one of the best parts of Peru, their food!

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Peru is in western South America and borders the Pacific Ocean. It is home to the Andres Mountains, the Amazon River and luscious rainforests. The food in Peru is very diverse and a lot of the dishes include corn, potatoes, rice, chili peppers and quinoa. Potatoes, lima beans, quinoa and fruits are common crops in the country. Foods you can find in almost any cuisine in Peru include carrots, celery, rice, cucumbers, cilantro, parsley, apples, almonds, cheese, hen eggs and so much more. A lot of the dishes in Peru are a mix of different foods, but everything is always delicious.

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Creole and ceviche are very popular along the coastal regions. The area around the Andes uses a lot of corn, potatoes and fresh trout in their dishes. A lot of places throughout Peru also are known to cook and fry guinea pigs. Fruits are popular in areas near the jungles and Amazon. They eat fruits like camu camu. Guanabana and mammee apples.
Not only is the food delicious, so are the cocktails. The nightlight is always fun, especially in Lima, the capital of Peru. The city is full of bars that serve fresh fruit cocktails and fun things to do like pub-crawls. Beer is a very popular beverage in Peru. Some regional beers include Arequipeña, Cusqueña and Pilsen Trujillo. These are favorites among locals. Cuzquena is a well-known beer that is exported worldwide. A common drinking ritual among men in Peru involved them sharing one glass of beer. They each pour some into the glass after taking a drink.
Peru is a great spot to enjoy some fresh fish, fresh fruit and homegrown corn and potatoes. Plus, what better way to wash down Peruvian cuisine than with some cocktails made some fresh fruit or some local beer.
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