The NFL has been traveling to London for the last nine years to play some regular season games. Each year, there seems to be more games played in the city and now London wants to have their very own NFL team. Over a week ago, the New York Jets took on the Miami Dolphins at… Read more
Who doesn’t love to go on dates? But it can cost an arm and a leg. With this handy infographic, you will be prepared on how much that perfect date will be! Feature image courtesy of
A new bemusement park, also known as an amusement park, just opened in London and it is a very creepy spin on Disneyland. The park, called Dismaland, i s a new art exhibit in south-west England that displays some interesting and terrifying art from famous artist Banksy. The dark new park is even complete with… Read more
A European vacation is always a thrill, but don’t you get tired of seeing the same old places in your friends’ Facebook albums? Wouldn’t you rather do something different? Some of the most exciting destinations are ones hardly anybody knows about, so prepare yourself for a journey of discovery. Secret pleasures Europe’s great cities are… Read more