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Posts Categorized: sightseeing


Great Races in Amazing Places

Some people love to run in marathons and compete in races. But these races are anything from ordinary and happen to be in some of the most beautiful locations in the world. Tough Mudder in Sydney They have Tough Mudder races all over the world, but how cool would it be to participate in the… Read more

Grand Canyon

Experiencing the Beauty of the Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is one of the world’s most stunning natural wonders. With some of the cleanest air in the country and beautiful landscapes, the Grand Canyon is a place that everyone needs to visit at least once in their lifetime. The canyon is 277 miles long, 18 miles wide and over a mile deep…. Read more

Lost City

Exploring a Lost City Under the Sea

Heracleion sits 10 meters under the sea in Aby Qir Bay. The ancient Egyptian city submerged underwater about 1,200 years ago for reasons we have yet to discover. Archaeologists have been exploring the lost city for the past decade and the discoveries they have made are mind blowing. Also known as Thonis, the lost city… Read more


A Creepy Take on Disneyland Takes Over London

A new bemusement park, also known as an amusement park, just opened in London and it is a very creepy spin on Disneyland. The park, called Dismaland, i s a new art exhibit in south-west England that displays some interesting and terrifying art from famous artist Banksy. The dark new park is even complete with… Read more