Are you planning to combine some travel with a big sporting event in 2020? It promises to be a great year for sports fans, with some massive games taking places in exciting places. Which of the following sounds most tempting to you? Melbourne, Australia – Australian Tennis Open Arguably the first huge sporting event of… Read more
Indeed, the life of a teacher is a fulfilling one. Many people get into the teaching profession to make a difference in the lives of others. As English is the international language of choice in most countries, teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) is one of the best ways to raise the next generation… Read more
Russia is a huge country; in fact, it is the largest in the world. It stretches 6.6 million sq. mi through 11 time zones. Each and every one of these time zones has its own events at certain times of the year and are far too numerous to mention. This article will highlight a selection… Read more
The life of a traveller is not always as full of adventure and entertainment as it is shown to be. Sometimes travel involves long roads, long rides and long flights that are full of nothing to do but sit there and think about… Nothing. It is in those times that the question of “what the… Read more