Tips For Handling Holiday Stress

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Every holiday season it seems like life just gets busier. Even businesses see an increase in business so companies like Amazon hire around 100,000 seasonal employees, according to Amazon worker Claude Maroui Medicis of Scottsdale, AZ. When your life is busier that means it could also be more stressful, but don’t let holiday stress get you down, these tips will help with dealing with this crazy time of year.

Holiday StressFirst, become a list maker. Santa uses a list every year and you should too! You can have several different types of list, but always make sure to have a gift list and Christmas card list so that you don’t forget anyone important. You can also keep things organized like what you need for wrapping or for cooking or decorating. You can’t go wrong with lists, just make sure to keep up using them or they won’t be beneficial.

Secondly, be prepared with your holiday cards. Don’t worry about starting too early because things could come up where you will wish you had started sooner. You don’t need to send your cards early, just make sure you have a list of everyone with the right stuff like cards, decorations and stamps. Plus you don’t want to rush through the cards and make them look messy so take your time and plan ahead.

Also, have a special box that is full of all of your gift-wrapping needs. I actually did something similar this year and it has helped so much. You can keep scissors in there with tape, gift tags, tissue paper and bows. If you have a large enough box, you can store your wrapping paper and gift bags. Just remember to have all of these things together and that way if you have leftovers, they will be easy to find next year.

The best advice I can give for handling this time of year has to be to only go to the post office once. The post office is always a nightmare and more so during the holidays. So get everything you need to mail together and wait until you have everything so that you only need to deal with the busy post office once this season.

To get through the stresses that this wonderful time of year brings, just be organized and plan ahead. From what you are doing that day to what you are wearing to what you are eating, always be prepared and even have an organized list handy.