When you’re about to go traveling, you might be aware that there are some ailments that affect travelers. Anytime you leave home, you’re a bit more at risk for things you might not otherwise face if you stayed at home. That being said, traveling is one of the most life-opening experiences that you can give… Read more
I get a lot of emails on a weekly basis and a lot of them come from similar-minded folk, asking how it’s possible I’m able to afford my vagabond lifestyle. While maintaining this blog certainly helps, the answer has more to do with a little bit of luck and a lot to do with being… Read more
Just when I thought that I was getting out of Spain they bring me right back! Just kidding, you know I couldn’t stay away for too long! My younger sister has decided to follow in my footsteps and she is going to be studying abroad in Spain during this summer. She is hoping to get… Read more
After week eating at small bistros and cooking for myself I decided to treat myself and friend I met at the school to a (somewhat) high class meal at a restaurant I have heard nothing but rave reviews about, Poncelet. Now it’s no surprise to regular Vagabond readers that I love to eat cheese. Poncelet… Read more