Preparing For a Healthy Trip

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When you’re about to go traveling, you might be aware that there are some ailments that affect travelers. Anytime you leave home, you’re a bit more at risk for things you might not otherwise face if you stayed at home. That being said, traveling is one of the most life-opening experiences that you can give yourself and should not be avoided for fear of any risks. It is important to be aware of some health ailments that can come up when you’re in transit or spending time in a foreign country. If you are aware of these common problems, you’ll be able to deal with them on the spot and go about your trip without a hitch. Otherwise, if you haven’t prepared for these things to come up, you might find yourself sick for a few days or more or lacking the energy you need to really experience your holiday to the fullest.

It doesn’t take too much preparation and research to know what’s really going to help health-wise on your holiday. You can prepare with just a few over-the-counter medications for some common traveler ailments, and then you’ll be set in case any of them come up. Also, if you’re used to taking things in liquid form, such as CBD, getting CBD capsules is much more convenient for traveling.

If you prepare wisely, chances are, nothing will happen! If you don’t make any preparations, that’s when you’ll find yourself sick and wishing you had. Follow these tips and tricks to deal with some common ailments that come up when traveling:

Eat healthfully

The number one way that you’re going to prevent getting sick when traveling is to make sure you’re eating healthfully and drinking plenty of water. One reason many people get sick is that they start eating junk food that’s easy to get hold of, but provides no nutritional value whatsoever. When your body is adjusting to a new place, it needs all the help it can get with gaining strength and energy, and you’re not going to find that on a diet of pizza and ice cream. So put in the effort to get meals made with whole, organic foods. You can buy foods at the local market and cook your own healthful meals if you are staying in a hotel or hostel that has a kitchen. Make sure to get plenty of fruits and veggies in your diet, and you’ll have lots of energy for your trip. Drinking extra water is crucial, especially when you’re out all day seeing the sights.

Motion sickness

If you are prone to motion sickness, you will want to bring along some Dramamine or a similar motion sickness medication with you on your trip. If you will be on buses or trains, you may encounter some situations where you could become motion sick. Once this happens, you’re often afflicted for the entire day, so once you reach your destination you could potentially be sick for the rest of the day. Prevent this by buying some motion sickness medication to take before this type of trip. If you’ll be traveling by boat, you can buy bracelets that help center you so you don’t feel seasick. Most people don’t feel motion sickness in a plane, but if you are especially prone to this, you might want to bring along some medication, just in case turbulence triggers this in you.

Traveler’s diarrhea

If you’ll be traveling to a country such as Thailand, or somewhere else in Southeast Asia, you might want to bring along some medication that helps to counter traveler’s diarrhea. In this part of the world, your stomach might not be used to the food and water, so while it’s not necessarily toxic, it can trigger some discomfort for your digestive system. Many people experience at least some amount of discomfort for a few days when they travel to a country in this part of the world. Rather than let it get you down and keep you sick for days, just bring along some medications that will help you counter this. Always make sure you drink bottled water over tap water. You will be less likely to feel sick if you eat food that has been cooked rather than raw food like salads, because chances are these vegetables have been washed in tap water and could trigger some discomfort for your stomach.


Countries in Southeast Asia are possible areas for outbreaks of malaria. If you’ll be spending a good deal of time here, you might want to get some anti-malarial medications to bring with you. Anti-malarials such as Malorone cannot prevent you from getting bit by a mosquito carrying malaria, but they can prevent the disease from entering your bloodstream if you are bitten.

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