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Posts Categorized: Lifestyle

How To Change a Flat Tire on the Side of the Road

Flat tires are always an annoyance, but that’s especially true if you’re out on the highway. Even worse, you usually get a flat at the most inopportune times. How can you safely get back on the road? This useful guide to handling flat motorcycle tires on the road should help you. No Spare? No Problem!… Read more

A Brief Guide to Tobacco for Beginners

Are you new to the tobacco world? Have no fear, there are many resources out there to help you get started, including this brief guide. There are different ways to enjoy tobacco and will introduce them so that you can get on your way to enjoying tobacco. Cigarette Tobacco When it comes to cigarette tobacco,… Read more

The History of Pipe Tobacco

Do you know the story behind pipe tobacco? Take a journey down memory lane with a brief overview of where pipe tobacco stems from and how it has evolved over the years. Pipe tobacco first dates back to 2000 B.C. in Egypt. How do we know this? Tobacco and devices that were similar to pipes… Read more

The History Behind Makeup

For thousands of years women have worn makeup, going all the way back to ancient Egypt. The evolution of makeup has come a very long way with now an enormous array of fabulous brands and products.  W7 makeup has become one of the strong beauty product ranges over the last 20 years or so, but… Read more