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Posts By: Nicole

Famous Swedish Movies

I’m sick, so I decided to watch some famous Swedish movies today in my apartment, I have already seen the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo movies so I wanted something new, so here is my mini-review of everything I watched: 1. The Seventh Seal. Wow, this movie was POWERFUL, Ingmar Bergman seems like a really… Read more

Swedish Semla

To all my American friends and readers, I would like to introduce…Semla! Well, okay, I don’t really care about the significance of Fat Tuesday or Easter, I’m not really religious, sorry mom! But, I was able to scarf down a ton of semla, which is a wheat cardamom-spiced bun which is essentially like a whoopie… Read more

Hello, Stockholm!

I really love it here at the University of Gothenburg, my communication classes have been a real joy so far, I’ve found that my teachers are all very warm and accepting. It feels way more connected than my American University classes I’ve had, you definitely call your professors by their first name most of the time. I really like… Read more

Swedish Food, American Gluttony

So all this cold weather has made me feel extremely gluttonous at times, so I have been doing a lot of chowing down, so maybe I can use my blubber as warmth. I really hate it, but whatever, especially when cinnamon rolls are available almost everywhere, and you know what a fresh piece of cooked… Read more