Adventure seekers from every corner seek out the most dangerous trails in the world every year, hungry for a chance to prove themselves upon tumultuous terrain where the possibility of serious injury or death is very real. Sound crazy? For a select breed of adrenaline junkies, it’s a way of life. Take a hike! If… Read more
For our first installment of Great American Diners we sit down at one of our favorite local haunts, Welcome Diner out of downtown Phoenix, AZ. Portions run deep here so it’s best to bring along your appetite. As you walk up to Welcome Diner, this is a true fish out of water situation. Located in… Read more
One of my favorite exports from Japan is the cat cafe, quaint little coffee and tea houses densely populated by adorable felines. Cat lovers of the world seek out these select cities in Japan for a unique experience unlike any you’ll find back in the States. So how does the whole thing work? Customers typically… Read more
From time to time, we live to give a nod to some of the the most awesome travel blogs that inspire us on a daily basis. If you’re hungry for more travel, check out what our friends are doing! Backpacking Travel Blog features an array of awesome features including video blogs, photo essays and interviews with… Read more