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Posts Categorized: Barcelona

Barcelona: Day 4 Tapas, Tapas Tapas

For our fourth day in Barcelona we decided to take the day easy. We woke up pretty late for my parents (10 a.m.) We headed over to a bistro that we walked by the other day and thought it looked great. Our expectations were exceeded ten-fold with a wonderful lunch comprised of tapas and beer…. Read more

Barcelona Day 3: Gaudi, Picasso and The Market

After our marathon flight and day in Barcelona allowed to sleep for a full 8-hours in a bed! That was definitely a nice change from the uncomfortable seats on the airplane but who am I to complain, I was in Barcelona. After having a quick breakfast of Jamon iberico Bocadillos, Spanish sandwiches, we took a… Read more

Day 2 Barcelona: Arrival/Relief/Dinner

After the nightmare in Miami I was very excited to arrive at my destination; Barcelona. The flight wasn’t too bad, I took a ZZZQuil to nod off for the 9 hour flight. When I awoke, I was well rested and greeted by the warm Barcelona sun and my brother Richard. We quickly went through customs… Read more

Day 1 Barcelona: Stranded in Miami

Well, I have been back from Barcelona for a little over a week but I haven’t had time to write about all of my experiences in Barcelona. So I figured that I would give myself some time to gather all of my memories and write them down properly. So I figured we would start with… Read more