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Posts Categorized: Spain

madrid nightlife

Madrid Nightlife, Incredible Tapas and Resulting Hangovers

Madrid Nightlife, Incredible Tapas and Resulting Hangovers Even my brief experience as a college student never prepared me for the type of hangover wrought by the nightlife in Madrid. It’s taken me a considerable amount of time to roll out of hibernation and seize the laptop to write about my experience over the past week…. Read more

Madrid! I Have Arrived

After having a few too many with my Aunt in Miami, I nearly missed my flight to Madrid. Now, that would have been a great first impression for my host family. “Hi, there I’m Andrew, sorry I’m 12 hours late but I drank too much before I got here. Where’s my room?” Thankfully, the 8… Read more

About To Fly Out

Well here I am again, sitting in the airport getting ready to embark on yet another journey. I’ve filled up on McDonald’s breakfast sandwiches as I want to be sick of those delicious hockey pucks of sausage for at least 3 months while I am in Madrid. I have to say, I am glad I… Read more


Packing for Spain

I’m finally getting a chance to use the new luggage my parents gave me for Christmas. You know what that means, I’m packing for Spain! While it will be bittersweet to say goodbye to my trusty Samsonite suitcase, it’s nice not worrying if my duct tape job will make it through ONE more airport. I… Read more