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Posts Categorized: Travel Tips

The Best Holiday Ideas For Every Type of Traveller

The Best Holiday Ideas For Every Type of Traveller

Everyone is different and we’re all looking for the right holiday destination to suit our tastes. With 196 different countries to choose from though, finding the right place to jet off to can be a tough call. There are plenty of resources out there to help you. The internet is awash with guides and recommendations… Read more

Travel Planner

The Travel Planner in the Palm of Your Hand

Is it a map? Maybe it’s a compass? No! A smartphone or tablet is now the travel planner’s must-have gadget when it comes to taking a trip, eating out or finding entertainment. With the growth in the number of hi-tech apps being developed, planning a vacation or a day out has never been easier or… Read more

healthy trip

Preparing For a Healthy Trip

When you’re about to go traveling, you might be aware that there are some ailments that affect travelers. Anytime you leave home, you’re a bit more at risk for things you might not otherwise face if you stayed at home. That being said, traveling is one of the most life-opening experiences that you can give… Read more

food poisoning while traveling

Food Poisoning While Traveling

Food poisoning and diarrhea are some of the most common ailments travelers encounter when jet setting across the world, especially in Third World areas. The old adage for eating in these kinds of places is, “boil it, cook it, peel it, or forget it.” As simple as it might sound, most travelers have a hard… Read more