Every year in July, a large group of people in Pamplona, Spain takes part in the ever so popular Running of the Bulls. This is something I have always wanted to attend. Not to participate in, but to go and watch. This is the most popular running of the bulls’ events in Spain. It has… Read more
It is that time of year, the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is just around the corner and it is a big one this year. The 75th Annual rally kicks off on August 1st and it is expected to be the biggest of all time. The rally kicks off August 1st and lasts about 7 days. But… Read more
Finding the ideal venue to host your next event can be a challenge. There are many details to consider while deciding where your wedding, business meeting or conference will be held. How many people are you expecting? Do you need a venue to provide accommodations for your guests? Is the venue providing catering services? Are… Read more
Now that I’ve been home for the holidays for a few weeks I’m definitely getting restless. Traveling is by far one of my favorite things to do, and one of my greatest passions in life. Being home this long is making my feet itchy and I’m ready to head out again! Despite my restlessness, however,… Read more